Monday, March 21, 2011

Reflection- canteen project

My last project was designing a canteen on the grounds of Griffith college. I designed the canteen using a concept of a mushroom. I incorporated the curves from the mushroom into the floor layout of the canteen and also the texture of the mushroom was used to create a feature for the columns and ceiling. I had to design my canteen around the Chef Heston Blumenthal, so I focused on his fairy-tale feast and created a fariy-tale theme to my design. I used the mix and match and different colours and sizes and shapes for my chairs and also I created my dancefloor to resemble a large real life size chess board to create a fun magical atmosphere within my restaurant. My words to describe my canteen include Unique, Organic, Fun, Fariy-tale, and mix and match. I enjoyed designing this canteen.